
Basic details on the equity and stockholders’ rights

The equity of Fersped AD Skopje consists of 18.113 оrdinary shares. The ordinary shares are listed on the Macedonian Stock Exchange and are traded on the official market.


Shares of Fersped AD - Ordinary shares
Issuer - Fersped AD
Industry - services
Number of issued shares - 18.113
Nominal share value - 37.400 MKD
Total amount of the basic capital - 677.426.200 MKD
International identity number of shares ISIN - MKFERS101018
Vote right - one vote per share


Pursuant to the Company Law, the shares are freely transferable. Stockholders are all persons enlisted in the Shareholders’ Book which is run by the Central Depositary for Securities, in accordance with the law. Stockholders have equal position in the company under the same conditions. Each shareholder has a right to vote at the Assembly of Shareholders, right to a dividend and in case of bankruptcy or cease of the company, to a proportional part of the liquidation i.e. bankruptcy mass of the company.


Ul. Makedonija 11a 1000 Skopje